Love’s Dream By D.I. Jolly
I watched the person I love most in the world grip hands with a dream and drop out of reality towards the pavement.
I think it broke me. Sure, I tried to remain strong on the outside, but deep down, I was broken.
Night after night I search for the meaning of this action, for some hint that could help me understand why it had happened, and why I’d had to witness it.
I began to drift into a lake of melancholy, its flat crystalline surface reflecting the vastness of the night sky above it. Darkness and stars surrounded me and I found comfort in being lost.
It became clear that what I was searching for could not be found, and so my morbid curiosity could never be slated.
My days were spent running algorithms and solving complex coded messages, and at night I would fill the void inside of myself with liquor and with smoke.
I knew that this path would eventually come to an abrupt end, but it didn’t appear to bother me.
I was never able to rid myself of the image of a lake full of stars, myself in a small boat in the middle. The oppressively free nature of truth holding me in place as I looked up and down seeing the same images everywhere I turned.
On June 19th I decided to take my own life, and to my shock, I discovered that I had neither the will nor the power to accomplish the task.
In open rebellion against myself I would go days without bathing, or changing my clothes.
If I could not remove myself from the physical world, I would remove myself from the social, so called, civilised one.
I was taken in by the people left behind, those who are so often stepped over or avoided by the type of person I used to be.
I distracted myself with their stories of life and drew lines in my mind connecting their history with my own.
I partook in their misfortunes, and was accepted.
To this day when I close my eyes, I still see the lake full of stars and the image of love’s dream lying on the pavement.
Loved it! Extremely relatable. It’s really nice to see when someone hits rock bottom, they’re always seems to be a way out that one least expected. Bravo!! 👏👏
Thank you so much, I’m glad you liked it. 🙂