“Go. Just going to go, is what I was going to say.”
Hawaii By D.I. Jolly
Hawaii By D.I. Jolly “This is not what I had in mind when we were planning a tropical holiday.” Johnny was standing by the window staring out at the sheets of water falling from the sky and the bursts of lightning that seemed to erupt into spiderwebs across the clouds. “What do you mean, this…
Disaster Adjacent 2 by D.I. Jolly
Content warning: Violence and themes of rape.
The Joy of Life Through Nature
The only thing better than complaining about the bitter cold of winter was complaining about the endless heat of summer.
Love’s Dream
I watched the person I love most in the world grip hands with a dream and drop out of reality towards the pavement.
Cheap Surgery By D.I. Jolly
“You know he hates being home alone at night, and I won’t be able to really enjoy myself if I’m worrying about him the whole time. You said you’d support me on this!”
Sunrise by D. I. Jolly
There is beauty everywhere. You just have to look for it.
Need For Speed by D.I. Jolly
She slipped a hand into her panties and started sending rainbow shockwaves through her body in time to the music.
Disaster Adjacent by D.I. Jolly
Public Transport By D.I. Jolly
Of all the ways to get around the city, the one Marvin hated the most, was the bus. But not for the reason that most people hated the bus.