Dolls by D.I. Jolly (The Camp Part 2/3) Michal slipped back into his usual morning routine but couldn’t help but feeling off flatter, and wondered if what was left of his spirit had finally given up. When he stood outside the arena the doors waiting for them to open, he thought again about giving up…
Gates To Another World by D.I. Jolly (The Camp Part 3/3)
Gates To Another World by D.I. Jolly (The Camp Part 3/3) Michal’s shoulders dropped and he turned his attention back to the woman hanging over him. For a few seconds, he desperately tried to work out if she was still alive. He searched her face hoping to find some twitch, some movement, anything. Then all…
Let’s Play By D.I. Jolly
Let’s Play By D.I. Jolly “If life is just God and the devil playing chess, and we’re all pawns, then who are the other pieces?” “What do you mean?” “Well, only half the pieces on a chess board are pawns. So, who are the king and queen, who are the knights, the bishops and the…
Wet By D.I. Jolly (The Camp Part 1/3)
Wet By D.I. Jolly (The Camp Part 1/3) Michal opened his eyes and stared for a moment at the wall. ‘Kill or be killed’ painted on every spare piece of wall and ceiling across his cell. He sighed, climbed out of bed and staggering to the toilet in the corner to start his morning rituals. As…
Consciousness of Death By D.I. Jolly
Violence has a way of staining a soul. It doesn’t matter how you interacted with it, once it’s there, it’s there. And those who know can see it.
Speak of the Devil By D.I. Jolly
After the second beer with done and Thomas returned with a third, he had found his words.
Hawaii By D.I. Jolly
Hawaii By D.I. Jolly “This is not what I had in mind when we were planning a tropical holiday.” Johnny was standing by the window staring out at the sheets of water falling from the sky and the bursts of lightning that seemed to erupt into spiderwebs across the clouds. “What do you mean, this…
Forever By D.I. Jolly
At some point, your insecurity becomes offensive to the people who believe in you.
Unexpected Events By D.I. Jolly
“Yeah, I dreamt that a demon leapt onto my bed out of the shadows, held me down and ran his nail over forehead while screaming that, if I wouldn’t choose to see the truth he’d pry open my third eye and force me.”
Tie Dyed Shirt By D.I. Jolly
“In the same way that the scorpion who asks the frog for a ride across the river will sting him, knowing it causes both their deaths. This is simply in my nature.”