Jacob sat in his room watching the weather clear up through his window…
Past Lives
“Why are we here so early? ‘80%’ won’t even start until like 11pm at the earliest.”
“Because! This way we don’t have to line up to get in, line up to get drinks or line up to get merch!”
In The Shadow of Elysium
Standing at the chalk board midway through a word, the memory hit him.
Enough Pain to Feel Alive
“Look at me when I’m talking to you!”
Artificial Stupidity by D.I. Jolly
He thought about the waitress’s smile, and the smell of fried food. He then wondered if she had to spend extra money on shampoo because of all the grease in the air.
The Sleeping Llama By D.I. Jolly
Once upon a time, there was a small strange pub called The Sleeping Llama.
25 Hour Day By D.I. Jolly
If you were offered a potion that could make all your wildest dreams come true, but at the end of an hour you’d die, would you take it?
Spicy Eyes
Sometimes, normally on Thursdays, I think that if I could read minds I wouldn’t even notice.
My First Song by D.I. Jolly
“It’s creepy is all I’m saying. You just sit here alone, watch the show and then sneak off back home.”
“Lots of people do that, it’s normal and shhh.”
Magic by D.I. Jolly
When a child is touched by magic it is always a specific type of magic that touches them, but it does not condemn them to be that way forever. For instance, I first discovered I had the gift through anger and it is in fact Chaos that my magic is rooted in.